Calling All Elk Enthusiasts!
The Museum of Natural History in Salt Lake City has a special exhibit going on right now called Yellowstone: Invisible Boundaries. This exhibit is all about elk, and it will run until September 15th, 2019.
We, here at the Flat Creek Inn, have a special interest in elk because our motel is right across the street from a National Elk Refuge! So we happen to see a lot of elk during some parts of the year.
A few of us went to the Yellowstone Exhibit and we were really impressed. The exhibit is full of beautiful elk photography, educational facts, a 3D model of the elk migration, and more.
Enjoy a few sneak peek photos below:
If you are an elk fan like us (we know you're out there!), we highly recommend swinging by Salt Lake City and visiting the Exhibit on your way to visit Yellowstone this summer! (And, here are some more fun things to do in Yellowstone while you are there!)
And, if you need a place to stay, the Flat Creek Inn has a great view of the Elk Refuge from every room. Check out our live web cam that is pointed at the elk refuge right now!
So don't be shy, own your elk enthusiasm-ness! And we hope to see you at the Flat Creek Inn soon!
***Also, check out this cool video about how Joe Riis was able to capture some close up photos of the elk migrations: