Flat Creek Inn


The Tetons.

The Enclosure: The Ancient Structure on the Grand Teton

Ancient Structure Found: On July 29, 1872, a group from the Hayden Expedition believed they were going to be the first to ever climb the Grand Teton. Though it’s a bit controversial whether or not they made it to the top, what they did find was of great significance. During a storm they found themselves on the west buttress (an adjoined peak to the Grand), where they found a prehistoric structure in which they took refuge, calling it the “Enclosure”. How Old is it? As it...

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Bigfoot in Wyoming

While the Pacific Northwest has laid claim to Sasquatch, it’s far from the only region in the world where tall, hairy, two-legged creatures have been spotted striding through the woods. In fact, Bigfoot in Wyoming—or at least reported sightings of the creatures—are more common than you might suspect.  Over the last 50 years or so, according to Cowboy State Daily, Wyoming has been the site of at least 28 reported instances where people have reported a tall, dark-haired, long-arm...

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Dinosaurs of Wyoming

Photo copyright 2005 by David Monniaux Wyoming, with its expansive plains and rugged landscapes, is not only known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cowboy history but also for being a treasure trove of dinosaur fossils. This state has unearthed some of the most iconic and significant dinosaur discoveries in the world—no prehistoric B-listers here. Let’s take a journey back in time to explore the fascinating dinosaurs of Wyoming.  Tyrannosaurus rex One of the mos...

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Who Was Beaver Dick?

A few miles out of town near Rexburg, Idaho, lies a park that’s popular with college kids in part because of its unusual name. Beaver Dick Park is sure to garner a few snickers, or at least raised eyebrows, from newcomers who don’t realize Beaver Dick was a man. But who was he, and what’s his connection to Jackson Hole? Well, we’ll tell you. It’s tale of adventure, love, tragedy, love again, and more fur pelts than you can shake a stick at.  As you might have guessed, Beave...

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Presidents in Grand Teton National Park

Happy Presidents Day! Since 1789, forty-six men have occupied the office of President of the United States. Who’s your favorite? Was it the one who fought to unify the country during the Civil War? (Lincoln, obviously.) Or the one who got stuck in a bathtub? (Taft. Look it up.) Or the one who inspired the country to fight back against the alien invaders threatening our freedom? (That one wasn’t real. That was in a movie. Sorry.) Here at Flat Creek, we don’t play favorites. How...

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