Clarene Law: Local Businesswoman, Leader, and Friend
It is with great sadness that we recognize the passing of Clarene Law: local businesswoman, leader, and friend. We would be remiss if we let the opportunity pass without offering our words of praise for this pillar in the community. Clarene Law built one of the biggest lodging businesses in Jackson (with 477 rooms between her various hotels). That didn’t stop
her from helping anyone who needed it, even those she might have seen as competitors—including Flat Creek Inn. When our family regained ownership of the motel ten years ago, she met and trained us on hospitality. She gave us access to her staff and kids so we could ask them any question that we had. Though she’s been called “the best known woman in Jackson Hole,” hers wasn’t the kind of fame that people saw from afar. Every person she associated with considered her a friend—employees, guests, business associates, and constituents alike. “I think the [greatest] accomplishment I’ve had is my relationship with people and recognizing their worth, and so they recognize my worth,” she once said.
When our family moved to Jackson in 1962, Clarene welcomed us to town with open arms. For the past sixty years we have had a front-row seat to watch her extend her open-arms policy for everyone. Kindness always trumped everything else with her. Last summer one of our family members had a class reunion. Because she taught early morning seminary (religious education) to many of that class, she (and her oxygen tank) joined us for a mini seminary reunion. In addition to her business success and religious service, Clarene was also actively involved in politics, serving seven terms in the Wyoming House of Representatives. Both our family and Jackson Hole owe Clarene Law for all she did to help us prosper. Clarene was successful because she was in the people business. We hope we can carry on her legacy of putting people first too. We love and are grateful to Clarene, her husband Creed, and her kids Charisse and Steve, for their friendship and support for so many years. *** Source for quotes: Clarene Law and Laura Bush, And I Had Fun: The Life and Legacy of Clarene Law. Peacock Proud Press, 2022.

This is a wonderful tribute to Clarene. I’m sure she’s smiling about it and grateful to have helped Flat Creek Inn and your family succeed in the hospitality business.