Flat Creek Inn

Wildlife of Jackson Hole: Coyotes

Image credit: Yathin S Krishnappa

Coyotes (Canis latrans) have long been a symbol of the wild American landscape. Their haunting howls are often associated with the untamed wilderness, but these versatile creatures are much more than just the soundtrack of the night. They’re also the subject of our blog post this week. Read on for all the questions you never knew you had about dogs’ and wolves’ scruffy little cousins. 

How do you say the word coyote?

It is “kay-oat” or “kay-oat-ee”? Surprisingly, this is a whole can of worms. “Kay-oat” is a mostly Western pronunciation, at least until you get to the West Coast. The further you go east, the more likely people are to say “kay-oat-ee.” But it doesn’t end there; there are at least three other ways to say coyote, depending on your background. Read all about it here

Any other ways to refer to them?

One site we found said they were also called “song dogs.” We’ve never heard that, but it sounds kind of nice, doesn’t it? We’re going to start calling elk “screech deer.” 

What do they look like?

They typically weigh around 30 pounds, with gray fur and pointed ears. 

When do I see coyotes?

Coyotes are more visible in the spring and fall and appear more often at dawn and at dusk. They are generally shy and cautious and pose little danger to humans. 

What do they eat?

Coyotes usually eat rodents, rabbits, dead animals, birds, and smallish mammals. In the city, they might go after your pets. It’s important to note that this list should never include human food. Don’t feed coyotes; you’ll just encourage them to steal and possibly be more aggressive around people. 

How long do coyotes live?

The average lifespan of a coyote is 6 years (less if a roadrunner drops an anvil on them), but they might live as long as 13 years. 

Do they hunt in packs? 

Nope. Not usually, at least. Some live in loose family groups, but coyotes are like Batman: they prefer to work alone or with a sidekick.

Can I hunt them?

Yes, you can. In Wyoming, coyotes are classified as vermin. That means there's no limit to the number you can potentially shoot. We’re not here to comment on whether that’s right or wrong, but you can find out more here

This post is brought to you by Flat Creek Inn.

Ryan Kunz is a copywriter and freelance writer who writes on a variety of topics, including media, the outdoors, and whatever else strikes his fancy. He pronounces it "coyote."



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