A summertime view of Jackson’s ski paradise
The air is finally getting cooler and skiers and snowboarders are starting to get excited for ski season. According to some, there’s no better place to ski than Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. As Forbes.com puts it, “Jackson Hole is to skiing what the Patriots are to the NFL. You take away the copious snowfall and you’re still left with the best fall lines and terrain.” The website frequently crowns Jackson Hole Mountain Resort the #1 resort in North America.
Personally, I can’t think of anything scarier than being on the top of that mountain with skis strapped to my feet, but I did want to see the view, so I took the aerial tram in summertime with my husband and baby.
My baby even got her own lift bracelet.
The aerial tram is a 12 minute ride of over 4,000 vertical feet to the top of the mountain. The summit is 10,450 feet above sea level.
On the way up, we passed over a terrifying cliff that I learned people actually ski off of. It is called Corbet's Couloir. To see some athletically gifted and slightly crazy people doing this, see this video.
Once we got to the top, we were treated to 360 views that included the Tetons. It's a different world than in the wintertime, but equally beautiful.
There is even a little restaraunt where they make gourmet waffles.
Hopefully this wets the appetite of the skiers and snowboarders out there who are getting ready for the ski season!