Because there's no thrill quite like using a barbed hook to abduct some innocent water-dweller from the idyllic safety of its aquatic home, now's a great time to go fishing. Actually, we at Flat Creek Inn are big fans of fishing, as long as you obey all the rules. And that includes getting a license. Luckily, we offer fishing licenses—in fact, we're the only business on the north end of town to do so. It's not hard to get one. Bring a photo ID and your Social Security number to the store. You'll need a conservation stamp, which lasts a year and costs $12. From there, it's $24 for an annual fishing license (or $92 for an annual license if you're from out of town). If you just want a license for one day, it's $6 for residents and $14 for out-of-staters. If you catch something good, post it on our Facebook wall. We'd love to hear about your Jackson Hole summer vacation adventures.