The Clock is Ticking on Jackson Hole Fall Attractions
Looking to avoid the crowds? Fall is your time to visit Jackson Hole. In summer, the roads can be clogged with people making a sunshine excursion to Grand Teton National Park, while the winter brings the hordes attracted by Jackson’s premier slopes. If you’re looking for some breathing room, you’d best come to Jackson now. Like, right now. Grab the keys, throw the kids in the backseat, and leave. There are plenty of Jackson Hole lodging deals during the fall, so you'll be close to the action.

In town, be sure to take a look at the fall events, like the arts festival. Hurry—the festival ends this weekend. It’s one of the premier cultural events of the Rocky Mountain West. Check out contemporary, Native American, landscape, Western, and other kinds of art, as well as great food. If that’s not your thing, just go people watch. There are always interesting types at art shows. Or take the Raptor Tours at the Teton Raptor Center in Wilson, which promises “a raptor-filled experience.” These raptors are birds of prey, not the prehistoric killers from Jurassic Park, but that still sounds pretty cool. Looking to stretch your legs? The Jackson Hole Marathon takes you through 26.2 miles of grand scenery. It’s also a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon. Or take a bike ride, attend a soapmaking workshop, or enjoy the cool night air on the boardwalks.

So what will it be? What will lure you to scenic Jackson Hole? You should take advantage of the chance to visit the area in the fall. So come to Jackson. Now. And if you’d rather stay out of town entirely, check back soon for the word on the natural world of Jackson Hole in the fall.
Image credit from the Jackson Hole Arts Festival and Jackson Hole Marathon, respectively.