How Flat Creek Stays Sustainable
The earth has been around a lot longer than any of us, and it will outlast us too. That makes all of us just guests here on this planet, and nobody likes a guest who trashes the place. (Not that any of our guests ever do that, of course.) In the spirit of taking better care of the earth we live on, we shared some things last month that all of us can do to be a little more conservation-minded—like reducing our personal energy consumption and watching our water waste. At Flat Creek Inn, we like to let our behavior back our blogs. So we’re not just tooting our horn when we say we try to do our part; we’re demonstrating our commitment. The list below shows that we’re serious about the environment (and always trying to be better). Here are some of the ways Flat Creek Inn tries to keep things sustainable and environment-friendly:
This is our motel . . . and the kind of view we're trying to preserve.[/caption] Overall, we're committed to preserving the natural beauty of Jackson Hole and beyond for future generations. By continuing to incorporate the sustainable practices above and supporting your conservation efforts, we can all be good guests during our stay on good old planet Earth. *** Ryan Kunz is a copywriter and freelance writer who writes on a variety of topics, including media, the outdoors, and whether or not Darth Vader could beat Batman in a fight. (The answer is yes.) He also lives on the Earth (still), which makes him a little biased when it comes to writing articles about protecting the planet, but he does it anyway.
- We buy used furniture to minimize waste. To cut down on cutting trees down, if you will.
- Most of our billing is done digitally. Just like the item above, less paper means less waste and more trees left standing.
- We've installed all LED lights to be more energy efficient.
- We've replaced all our shower heads and toilets with low-flow shower heads and toilets, all as part of our efforts to watch our water consumption.
- We've adopted the mile stretch of highway in front of Flat Creek that we keep litter free.
- We have four bikes for our guests to use. Just ask at the front desk. Jackson Hole has miles of pristine bike trails that you can enjoy without increasing your carbon footprint!
- We recycle paper, aluminum cans, and corrugated cardboard.
- We use 100% green power renewable energy. You know those giant windmills in Idaho? Love ‘em or hate ‘em, that’s where we get our power.
- We’ve achieved membership in the Sustainable Business Leaders, Jackson Hole’s green business recognition program, by meeting and maintaining important sustainability standards in the community.