The Twelve Days of Jackson Hole Christmas
With less than a week and a half till Christmas, it’s the time of year when even the strictest Grinch must allow the singing of Christmas carols. And here in Jackson Hole, we have a favorite carol of our own that we totally didn’t just make up a minute ago, and it’s about all the things you might see in Jackson over the Christmas holidays. You know the tune. Ready . . . set . . . sing!
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love found with me . . .
Twelve skiers skiing,
Eleven elk a-bugling,
Ten hikers hiking,
Nine wolves a-howling,
Eight artists painting,
Seven shoppers shopping,
Six bike trails winding,
Five cowboy boots!
Four town square arches,
Three Tetons rising,
Two hot beverages,
. . . And a room at Flat Creek Inn! . . .
Ready to see how many of these things you can pack into a day? Start with the first one by booking a room at Flat Creek Inn today!