Make your Christmas season a little more memorable
Do you struggle at all with the frantic gift shopping that comes this time of year? Sometimes I feel like any item I give to my loved ones is still just "stuff" and I wonder if it will end up re-gifted or given to a thrift store. If you feel the same way, then I have an idea for you. Make a lasting memory with your family this Christmas season. Take a trip to Jackson and take a sleigh ride in the Elk Refuge. It is a great idea for children, romantic for couples, and fun for singles. The Elk Refuge is across from the Flat Creek Inn and is 6 miles wide and 10 miles long. During the regular tourist season in Jackson, the elk are hiding up in the mountains, but when the snow flies, they come down to say hello to the few special travelers that come to Jackson in the winter. The herd can contain up to 6,000 elk. Click on this link to our NEW WEBCAM to see a great view of the Elk Refuge. Check after a storm and you'll see the herd. As mentioned in previous posts, we have a really wonderful Sleigh and Stay Special right that includes 2 tickets for the sleigh ride into the elk herd, 4 breakfast items and a night stay all for $84.00. There's also a whole lot of other ideas for Jackson Hole winter activities (see three blog posts ago). FYI, there are no sleigh rides offered on Christmas day.
Post by Jessica Heath